*^*You Enjoy Myself^*^

Thursday, July 15, 2004


I bought a digital voise recorder yesterday and thought it would be a
good idea to record some of my thoughts/problems and then play then and
see how it would work. I shall say, i was amazed at how differently i
tackled the problems after hearing them, they were coming through
another passage that my defense was not ready for. I could handle them
with much more reason then before, and in the long run, this recorder
has had substantial benefeits.

"walk through splintered sunlight, inch your way through dead dreams to another land...

maybe your tired and broken, your tongue is twisted with words half spoken and thoughts unclear..." ~Grateful Dead

I meditated last night for like 30 minutes, and when i opened my eyes
back up I was seeing very differently, patters were forming on my
ceiling and I began to tell stories about what i saw and recorded them
all...VERY trippy i must add. My main concern was to overcome this sort
of social anxiety i have been feeling all my life, today at work I was
much more open and understanding them before. I initiated conversations
and cracked jokes as if it were nothing. I am degreasing this slime
that I bear and soon will be "slime" free... when that day comes,
Its gunna be fuckin sweet.

ps - did I mention that i love life!! Everyone looks at the same sky, and everyone walks on the same earth.

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