*^*You Enjoy Myself^*^

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Today something caught my eye. I was working when all of a sudden a looked up to a moaning teen. This teen has something wrong with it and it could not speak. It was riding in the shopping cart with the child seat build on. I immidiatly recieved goosebumps and my heart grew large. That moment i had a great appreciation for who i was. I fealt so bad for the mother and the child, but she kept on going, regardless of the meaningless moans the child was making. Everytime i feel down i hope this memory remains in me forever so I can think back to it and cheer myself up.

I thought i could stand their and eat carrots all night. As i leaned upon the cornerstone, gazing at the beast burrying his fur into the lush country floor. I thought what it would be like to like the beast, gentle yet so hot, pretty yet so cold. The squeek caught his attention, his body rose and he was greeted with a vast vase of emptyness.
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