*^*You Enjoy Myself^*^

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Hey whats up blue world. Wo, last night was in credible. I think I touched the sky. I wont be able to describe all my feelings, they will not make any sense to you. However, one quote i said was, "You cant keep me trapt in here forever." I found it, my inner being, I was having a conversation with it, he wanted to be let out and was mad at me for not letting it do what it wanted. I was all ears, I had no valid arguments, I was listnening to everything he said, he told me what he wanted to do. Now I just have to listen to him. Everyone who understands this deserves to live forever, others who think my brain is full of mush are the ones who need to get their heads out of their ass. If you are interested let me know, Ill let you know what else I thought, maybe you can help me figure it out. Remember please leave your comments.
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